Books > John Green > The Fault In Our Stars > Chapter 2

Notes The chapter opens with Augustus and Hazel in Augustus’ car, revealing his questionable driving skills. Every acceleration and brake is abrupt, almost giving Hazel whiplash in the death / passenger seat. It’s no surprise when Augustus admits he had to take his driving test 3 times before passing. Hazel, however, took it 4 times before her instructor finally relented, saying her driving was unpleasant but technically not unsafe. She attributes this to what she calls “cancer perks”, getting free passes on late homework, unearned driver’s licenses, and even basketballs signed by sports heroes. Although doctors claim that most amputees eventually adjust to driving with their remaining leg, Augustus struggles getting the hang left-footed driving. ...

February 7, 2024 · 4 min · 843 words

Books > John Green > The Fault In Our Stars > Chapter 1

Notes The narrator, Hazel Grace Lancaster, is a 16-year-old girl with thyroid cancer that has “long-settled” metastases in her lungs. Her mum and regular “Doctor Jim” both think she has depression (Hazel, however, believes depression is a side effect of dying). She must carry a two-litre green oxygen tank in a little steel cart that wheels behind her. Her mum insists she attend a support group located in the basement of an episcopal church. Hazel finds the group “depressing as hell”, with “decrepit” cookies and watery lemonade for the attendees. Only one person is over 18: Patrick, the group leader, who likes to boast about surviving what he calls “balls” cancer. ...

February 6, 2024 · 4 min · 685 words