Tech > Coding Challenges > HackerRank > Prepare > Python > Introduction > Python If-Else

Problem Link to the original HackerRank problem Task Given an integer, n, perform the following conditional actions: If n is odd, print Weird If n is even and in the inclusive range of 2 to 5, print Not Weird If n is even and in the inclusive range of 6 to 20, print Weird If n is even and greater than 20, print Not Weird Input Format A single line containing a positive integer, n. ...

January 9, 2024 · 3 min · 589 words

Tech > Coding Challenge > HackerRank > Prepare > Python > Introduction > Say "Hello, World!" With Python

Problem Link to the original HackerRank problem Task Here is a sample line of code that can be executed in Python: print("Hello, World") You can just as easily store a string as a variable and then print it to stdout: my_string = "Hello, World!" print(my_string) The above code will print Hello, World! on your screen. Try it yourself in the editor below! Input Format You do not need to read any input in this challenge. ...

January 8, 2024 · 1 min · 103 words

Guidelines > Writing > Blogging

A Sensible Set of Blogging Writing Guidelines: Distilled Conciseness? Given how my brain works, I needed to come up with a simple set of rules to become more productive when writing blog articles. Topic Scoping Scoping is often key in writing and one practical way to enforce that, is to be as concise as I can and that involves using the most accurate terms to limit the number of words needed to convey. ...

July 30, 2023 · 5 min · 883 words